There are usually four or five guests living here at any one time. Some come just for a long weekend and some stay for several months. Guests of all ages have come from all corners of the UK and, sometimes, from abroad. We've had people from all faiths though, most usually, of no faith. Quite often former guests will roll up for a day or two to check we're all OK and to tell stories about 'the old days'.
Then there are our wonderful volunteers who come every Wednesday for 2pm. We chop wood, get creative and crafty, fix, plant, sow, build and have a feast together every month - come and get involved! If you would like to volunteer with us please go to our Contact Us page and complete the volunteering form
Holly & Hawthorn Forest School
Holly and Hawthorne is an independently run forest school that meets in our woodland.
For further details contact Kaye Watts admin@hollyandhawthorn.org

It's hard to say who 'we' are really, as there are so many people who make this place what it is. Our founders, Toby and Francesca, moved here in 2010 with a vision to create a place of refuge. From small beginnings they built up much of the structure and community that we find here today. They and their family then moved to Parma in Italy in July 2017 handing over to Chris and Katharine and their boys Josh and Natty who in turn in the summer of 2023, handed over to Toby and Helen Hime, their daughter Grace and son, Emmanuel.
The centre of WHW is unconditional love and grace; we believe in a God who is love and so all are welcome. We hope that all who stay here will experience acceptance and encouragement in this diverse, creative and hospitable extended family.

The place couldn't run without the time and wise heads on our trustees committee. They make sure we're all being sensible and sustainable (emotionally and financially as well as ecologically). They are very active, invested, involved and supportive.
There are the many people who receive our newsletter and quite a few generous souls who support us with prayer; donations through direct debit or standing order - contact us to find out more.

our woodland retreat
​During the past year we have been converting an old outbuilding into a Woodland Retreat which has started to be used by our guests and for trustee meetings, for one to one and group sessions and therapeutic activities. We are nearing completion, and we hope this will be ready for hire in spring 2025 to rent to local groups and organisations. We are just in the process of building a compost loo and would like to provide an outside seating area too – get in touch with us if you are interested in hearing more.

There are many people and places we find inspiring. Here are just a few: